- Pendaftaran tgl 02 Agustus 2024 / 04 Agustus 2024
- Pendaftaran bisa dilakukan dengan membuat ticket di Discord Hellfire / Hubungi GM
- GVG Di mulai tgl 04 Agustus 2024, Pukul 19.00 WIB
- 1 Guild -> 1 Tim
- System Point, 1 Guild -> 10 Point
- Ketika GVG sudah di mulai tidak dapat mengganti Pemain
- Pemain Usahakan ON 1 jam sebelum pertandingan
Point List
- Armor Rider: 1 Point (Max 2 Key)
- Warrior, Spiritualis, Specialist, Launcher, CrossJob: 1 Point
- MAX JOB Warrior ACCRETIA / CORA / BELLATO in 1 Team: 5 Player
- MAX JOB Ranger ACCRETIA / CORA / BELLATO in 1 Team: 5 Player
- MAX JOB Striker / Spiritualis: 3 Player
- MAX JOB Armor Rider: 2 Player
- MAX CrossJob in 1 Team: 2 Player
- MAX Specialist ACCRETIA/CORA/BELLATO in 1 Team: 2 Player
Rules GVG
- Using Cheat / 3rd Party Program is NOT ALLOWED
- Using Race Target in Same Race Battle is NOT ALLOWED
- Stealth Potion / Stealth Cape is NOT ALLOWED
- Revive Potion is NOT ALLOWED
- Hissy Potion & Neutralizing Potion is NOT ALLOWED
- Teleport/Summon Potion NOT ALLOWED
- Destruction Rune NOT ALLOWED
- Time Limit = 10 Minutes (When Time Out, We'll Decide Based On Player Count From Each Guild, if Total Player Same Will be Rematch)
- There's No Tolerance For Delay 3 Times GM calls but Still Not Response / Ready = Disqualify.
- Aura CB is Not Allowed For This Battle
- All Equip is Allowed
- Beeper Auction/Combine/NPC/MAU is NOT ALLOWED
- Using MAU To Cover Tower is NOT ALLOWED
- Chaos Provided by GM
- All Skill is Allowed (e.g, Invisible Trapper / Ress)
- Trap / Tower Allowed when Battle Start
- Don't Move From Square Before GM Said "GO"
- If Disconnect / Critical Error Happens, Battle Still Going Until the Finish
- GM as Referee
- If Breaking The Rules, The Team Will Lose For 1 Match ( IF BO1 = Eliminated, IF BO3 = Lose 1 Point)
- BO3 / BO5 Match, ArmorRider Will Be Given Time Spare To Repair
- GM Decision is Absolute
Battle System
- System Single Elimination
- Per Match -> BO 1
- Semi Final Match -> BO 3
- Final Match -> BO 3
- MAP: Catur
- Team Winner if All players from the Other Team are DEAD.
- Rank 1 Rp 2.000.000 + BC 5.000.000
- Rank 2 Rp 1.000.000 + BC 3.000.000
- Rank 3 Rp 750.000 + BC 2.000.000
- Partisipan 2.000.000 BC
Syarat CLAIM
- Memiliki Guild Grade 3 saat OBT
- Wajib GL yang CLAIM